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Coronavirus and the markets

Map of the world folded

As the country and the world grapple with a still-expanding pandemic, international economic activity has been disrupted and markets have been wildly volatile. Indeed, major stock indexes have experienced their sharpest decline in history and many companies have started laying off workers, adding financial pain and uncertainty to health worries. In light of all this, people are justified in asking what steps they might consider taking and how things might play out.


Listen to the podcast

On this special Perspectives podcast, our hosts, Candace Browning, Chris Hyzy and Jared Woodard, discuss what investors can consider doing in this environment. They’ll look at whether government stimulus programs totaling in the trillions of dollars have the potential to mitigate the damage, and what additional risks we should be looking out for. They’ll also offer insights into critical questions facing investors: Is now the time to pull back on stocks? How will I know when the markets have hit bottom, and what opportunities could I consider when they do?


Candace Browning

Headshot of Candace Browning

Head of BofA
Global Research



Jared Woodard

Headshot of Michael Hartnett

Director for Global
Investment Strategy at
BofA Global Research


Christopher M. Hyzy

Headshot of Christopher M. Hyzy

Chief Investment Officer
Merrill and Bank of America
Private Bank


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