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Personal CFO Guide

Addressing unique challenges faced by corporate executives

Advisor meeting with clients
65% of S&P 500® CEO compensation was comprised of equity in 2016 1

Corporate executives face unique challenges when it comes to managing wealth. While cash can contribute significantly to personal wealth, oftentimes it is only part of the total compensation story. For many senior executives, compensation also includes a significant equity component often the largest component of their total compensation. Furthermore, their compensation frequently is subject to a combination of company-and government-imposed rules and regulations which, if not followed, could lead to penalties, fines and other actions. Careful planning and execution of strategies designed to address these rules and regulations help to mitigate risks that executives face.

While the components of a corporate executive’s compensation make their financial situation more complex, it also presents them with tremendous opportunities to provide for their children and loved ones, fund a comfortable retirement and leave a meaningful legacy to their heirs and the causes they care about.

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