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Capital Acumen 34

A Message From Katy Knox

By Katy Knox, President, U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Photograph of Katy Knox, President U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Photograph courtesy of Katy Knox 

In my new role as president of U.S. Trust, I spend much of my time meeting with clients. One key message I hear quite often is that they want a simplified experience when interacting with their financial institutions, including U.S. Trust.

I am pleased to report that U.S. Trust has been very focused on this topic and is investing in the latest digital technologies to make it easier for clients to open accounts, prepare tax documents and share important information with their advisors. As part of the bank’s focus on innovation, we will soon be introducing new ways to move money and to check balances in real time, in addition to other digital capabilities. In Enhancing the Bank’s Digital Platform,” Dean Athanasia, co-head of Consumer, Bank of America, highlights some of the digital innovations the bank recently rolled out.

Clients have also asked about the recent market volatility, which, somewhat paradoxically, seemed to be higher than usual even though the economy was strong and corporate earnings were approaching record highs. In Does the Bull Still Have Room to Roam? our chief investment officer, Christopher M. Hyzy, addresses some of these concerns and suggests several reasons for optimism.

Lastly, I am pleased to announce a landmark study from U.S. Trust, Women’s Entrepreneurial Journeys,” which gives an in-depth look at eight women who either founded or bought businesses and guided them to success while facing considerable odds. I recently had dinner with several of the women and was able to listen to their unique stories firsthand. A condensed version of the study, Women on the Journey to Ownership,” can be found here.

I hope that you find this issue of Capital Acumen engaging and that you and your family are having a safe and enjoyable summer.

Katy Knox
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

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