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How to avoid telephone scams

Criminals use phone calls, called “vishing,” or voice phishing, to steal information and money. Here’s how you can avoid falling for the latest tricks.

Criminals continue to use vishing techniques because they realize that talking quickly and persuasively can catch many people off guard. While some of these attempts are easy to detect, others are subtle enough to fool even cautious consumers, especially when the caller makes it seem like urgent action is needed.

One of the reasons these deceptions can be so convincing is that criminals can use personal information they’ve harvested from other sources to make a vishing attempt sound like an honest exchange. They also spoof phone numbers that belong to established organizations, which makes them appear legitimate on your caller ID. And they may lower your defenses with excellent imitations of call center professionals.

It pays to be aware of the latest vishing scams, but always remember the most important rule: You should never provide personal or company information on an unsolicited call, no matter who you think it is.

Common vishing scams

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